Hilory Liccini, MS

North Dakota Coordinator / Speech Language Pathology 

Hilory Liccini is the Assistant Director for Program Management at the North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities and an adjunct professor for the Minot State University’s Department of Special Education, where she teaches courses on Autism. She has done extensive work and trainings with medical professionals and early childcare providers on the early warning signs of Autism, as well as how to use the appropriate screening tools. She has been a contributor to the North Dakota state Autism Task Force, which has allowed her to build relationships and partnerships with key stakeholders in her state.

Ms. Liccini is a current member of the North Dakota state Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) committee and works collaboratively with state agencies such as Children’s Specials Health Services, Department of Public Instruction, and Family Voices of North Dakota.

She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Nazareth College of Rochester in Communication Science Disorders and a master’s degree in Education from the University of West Florida. She is also a past Utah Regional LEND trainee and a graduate of the National Leadership Consortium on Developmental disabilities. Ms. Liccini has presented at numerous local, state, national, and international conferences on disabilities, with a focus on Early Childhood development and early intervention services and is trained on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale (ADOS-2).


(800) 233-1737 or (701) 858-3008

North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities

Minot State University, Memorial Hall 205 A

500 University Ave West

Minot ND 58707