These are limited to select trainees after acceptance in the Core Program.
Infant & Pediatric Audiology (IPA) Program, Long-Term Trainee
The IPA program is for Audiology trainees to increase capacity in pediatric audiologists to service youth who have ASD/DD and are Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing.
The IPA program seeks to increase the number of well-trained pediatric audiologists who can respond to complex and challenging needs of children and youth with special health care needs. An emphasis is on improved screening, timely diagnoses, and evidence-based interventions.
IPA Trainees are Audiology doctoral training students and licensed audiologists.
IPA Trainees take part in the Core Program plus receive additional training specialized to Infant Pediatric Audiology and complete approximately 50 additional hours of training (in addition to the core 300 URLEND hours).
IPA Applications
Interested applicants should apply as a Professional Trainee, a separate application is not needed. IPA Faculty will notify potential IPA Trainees about this specialized tract after acceptance into the URLEND Program. For more information, review the Admission Page.
Autism-Enhanced (AE) Program
The AE program is for trainees who have already completed the year-long core URLEND program.
Trainees complete 150 hours of specialized training in Autism
Coursework consists of seminar sessions, leadership project, and observation/participation in settings that serve youth with ASD, including the ASSERT (Autism Support Services: Education, Research, and Training) Program at USU.
AE Applications
For more information, review the Admission Page.