Trainee and Faculty Use Only

Common Questions


This is the system used by Utah State University (USU) to manage information on who they send money to.  Email invitations are sent out so that you can provide the information such as legal name, tax information, address, payment preferences, etc.  A live person will then verify the information and notify you that your onboarding process is completed.  

Anyone receiving money from USU who is not on a USU scholarship, assistantship, or Payroll will need to register.  This includes participants who are self-advocates or parents/family members who participate with URLEND.  You will complete a payment form for your Family Mentorship Project for the primary adult in the home you coordinate visits with, any Parent-Directed Consultation you facilitate,  and we also pay our Adult Panel participants.  Each of these individuals must also register with PaymentWorks.  

Accounts Payable uses this system to send your stipend payment and send  you any reimbursements for travel.  You can manage whether you receive these by mail or by direct deposit (also called ACH).  

PaymentWorks has an extensive information system for questions you might have.   A web search with the words PaymentWorks along with a word or phrase often brings up a response.  Their resource library is located at .


To login to PaymentWorks, do these steps:

To make changes:

Tax Forms

These are automatically sent by mail to the address listed in PaymentWorks.  Because stipends are paid in a single calendar year (in January and May, after the completion of each semester), tax forms are not mailed out until the following January.  If you don't receive this form, check the address in PaymentWorks and then email and ask that a new form be mailed (tell her if the address was correct, or if you have changed it since the tax forms would have been sent in January). 

KEEP a current mailing address in PaymentWorks.  We recommend a permanent address, such as a parent's, if you are a student.  


These are based upon your agreed on hours in your Letter of Acceptance and Signed Agreement.  The timeline for payment being issued varies depending on the USU Business Office processing times but usually takes 2 weeks after being submitted by a coordinator.  USU-affiliated trainees who are paid out through USU Payroll generally receive it on their next check.  

FIRST STIPENDS are paid after 40% of your hours are logged and verified by a coordinator.  Categories are not checked as this is solely based on total program hours you have logged.  Verification takes place early January with payment being received later January or February.  

SECOND STIPENDS are paid after 100% of your hours are logged.  Categories are viewed and verifications begin approximately 1-2 weeks after our final seminar takes place which highlights leadership projects.  Payment is usually received in May.  


Canvas is based on Canvas-Catalog, which looks the same as student Canvas.  It requires its own login.  To avoid issues, we recommend using a separate browser for each.


If you are having trouble logging in, try a different browser.  The logsheet will work on any browser but we find that when you can't log in, it is generally something with your own browser settings.  

Prior Trainees - Common Questions

Log Sheet

Logsheets are deleted annually.  We can provide a letter or email verifying you completed the program if needed.  

Tax Forms

You are responsible for any tax filing obligations associated with your stipend.  Instructions on requesting a copy of your last year's tax form are below.  You were paid through payroll or by check/direct deposit.  

a. If you were NOT paid through Payroll at Utah State University

  *This applies to most trainees.  Those on assistantships, scholarships, and who received a wage were paid through Payroll and instructions are below. 

These are mailed in January to the address you listed in PaymentWorks.  Log in and update it if needed.  

b. If you were paid through USU's Payroll

If you are not a current USU employee,  contact or call 435-797-1059.

If you are currently employed at USU, you can view any W2/W4 information electronically on Banner SSB under the Employee Dashboard (Employees tab).